ConditionalOSGiTicketerPluginContext |
Loads the component-osgi-ticketer-plugin.xml if and only if the
'opennms.ticketer.plugin' system property is set to use
the OSGiBasedTicketerPlugin.
DefaultTicketerServiceLayer |
OpenNMS Trouble Ticket API implementation.
DroolsTicketerConfigDao |
DroolsTicketerConfigDao class.
DroolsTicketerServiceLayer |
OpenNMS Trouble Ticket API implementation.
NullTicketerPlugin |
OpenNMS Trouble Ticket Plugin API implementation used as a no-op when not custom
tickeing plugin is implemented...
OSGiBasedTicketerPlugin |
Ticketer plugin that reference an implementation pulled from the OSGi Service Registry.
TicketerPluginFactory |
TicketerPluginFactory class.
TroubleTicketer |
Manages Events trouble ticket related events and passes them to the service layer