Package org.opennms.netmgt.ackd.readers
Interface Summary Interface Description AckProcessor This class uses the JavaMail API to connect to a mail store and retrieve messages, using the configured host and user details, and detects replies to notifications that have an acknowledgment action: acknowledge, unacknowledge, clear, escalate. -
Class Summary Class Description DefaultAckReader Acknowledgment Reader implementation using Java Mail DONE: Identify acknowledgments for sent notifications DONE: Identify acknowledgments for alarm IDs (how the send knows the ID, good question) DONE: Persist acknowledgments DONE: Identify escalation reply DONE: Identify clear reply DOND: Identify unacknowledged reply DONE: Formalize Acknowledgment parameters (ack-type, id) DONE: JavaMail configuration factory DONE: Ackd configuration factory TODO: Associate email replies with openNMS user DONE: Finish scheduling component of JavaAckReader DONE: Configurable Schedule DONE: Identify Java Mail configuration element to use for reading replies TODO: Migrate JavaMailNotificationStrategy to new JavaMail Configuration and JavaSendMailer TODO: Migrate Availability Reports send via JavaMail to new JavaMail Configuration and JavaSendMailer TODO: Move reading email messages from MTM to JavaReadMailer class DONE: Need an event to cause re-loading of schedules based on changes to ackd-configuration DONE: Do some proper logging DONE: Handle "enabled" flag of the readers in ackd-configuration DONE: Move executor to Ackd daemonHypericAckProcessor HypericAckProcessor class.ReaderSchedule ReaderSchedule class.