1. Compatibility

OpenNMS Meridian 2020.1.24 requires the following component versions:

Component Version Compatibility

OpenNMS Helm


OpenNMS Integration API






Java Development Kit

OpenJDK 8, OpenJDK 11


1.x - 2.x


10.x - 12.x



RHEL 7 users must complete additional steps to install PostgreSQL 10+. Refer to PostgreSQL Yum Repository for instructions.

2. Setting up a basic OpenNMS Meridian

The OpenNMS Meridian platform can be installed on multiple OS families. This guide provides instructions for installing the platform on Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL)-based operating systems.

2.1. Objectives

  • Installing OpenNMS Meridian components on a single node using the built-in JRobin as time series storage

  • Setup OpenNMS Meridian on recommended operating systems

  • Login the Web User Interface and change the default admin password

2.2. Before you begin

The following abbreviations will be used to refer to their respective entry through this documentation.

Table 1. Operating Systems


Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 or higher, CentOS 8* or higher

OpenJDK 11 Development Kit

Installed OpenJDK 11 Development Kit

* Technically, users can install OpenNMS on CentOS 7, but our convenient opennms meta RPM package, which resolves external things like PostgreSQL, will not work. You need to install Postgres10 by yourself.

2.2.1. What If I’m Running CentOS 7?

OpenNMS requires PostgreSQL as the database before installation. With yum install opennms, the package opennms is like a convenience package and depends on the PostgreSQL package coming with the CentOS Linux distribution. CentOS 7 comes only with PostgreSQL 9. Horizon 25+ and Meridian 2019+ require PostgreSQL 10+.

If you want to install Horizon 25+ or Meridian 2019+ on versions older than CentOS 8, the convenience package with yum install opennms will not work. Instead, you must first install PostgreSQL 10 manually, and then install OpenNMS with yum install opennms-core opennms-webapp-jetty.

We recommend you meet the following requirements:

Table 2. Installation Requirements

Minimal Hardware

2 CPU, 2 GB RAM, 20 GB disk

Operating System

The latest version of RHEL is recommended. Please be aware OpenNMS Meridian is developed and mostly operated on Linux systems.

DNS Setup

Please make sure your DNS settings for the OpenNMS server are correct and the localhost name can be resolved. If there is an incorrect or missing A Resource Record for the server hostname, OpenNMS might not start correctly. The Java security manager might not initialize and an RMI class loader disabled exception will be shown.

Depending on the installed operating system, the path for OpenNMS Meridian is different. If the instruction refers to ${OPENNMS_HOME}, the path is resolved to the following directories:

Table 3. Directory Structure



2.3. Installing on RHEL

The following steps will be described:

  1. Installation of the opennms meta package which handles all dependencies

  2. Initialize PostgreSQL database and configure access

  3. Initialize OpenNMS Meridian database and start

  4. Log in to the Web User Interface and change default admin password

You must use root permissions to run all commands on the command line interface.

Commands and instructions are specific to RHEL 8. We provide RHEL 7 alternatives where applicable.

Step 1: Install OpenNMS Meridian

Add yum repository and import GPG key
dnf -y install https://yum.opennms.org/repofiles/opennms-repo-stable-rhel8.noarch.rpm
rpm --import https://yum.opennms.org/OPENNMS-GPG-KEY
yum -y install https://yum.opennms.org/repofiles/opennms-repo-stable-rhel7.noarch.rpm --import https://yum.opennms.org/OPENNMS-GPG-KEY
Installation of OpenNMS Meridian with all built-in dependencies
dnf -y install opennms
yum -y install opennms

The following packages will be automatically installed:

  • jicmp6 and jicmp: Java bridge to allow sending ICMP messages from OpenNMS Meridian repository.

  • opennms-core: OpenNMS Meridian core services, e.g. Provisiond, Pollerd and Collectd from OpenNMS Meridian repository.

  • opennms-webapp-jetty: OpenNMS Meridian web application from OpenNMS Meridian repository

  • postgresql: PostgreSQL database server from distribution repository

  • postgresql-libs: PostgreSQL database from distribution repository

With the successful installed packages the OpenNMS Meridian is installed in the following directory structure:

[root@localhost /opt/opennms]# tree -L 1
└── opennms
   ├── bin
   ├── contrib
   ├── data
   ├── deploy
   ├── etc
   ├── jetty-webapps
   ├── lib
   ├── logs -> /var/log/opennms
   ├── share -> /var/opennms
   └── system
We recommend disabling the OpenNMS Meridian repository after installation to prevent unwanted upgrades while it is running. OpenNMS Meridian requires some manual steps upon upgrade configuration files or migrate database schemas to a new version. For this reason, it is recommended to exclude the OpenNMS Meridian packages from update except when you are planning on performing an upgrade.
dnf config-manager --disable opennms-repo-stable-*
yum config-manager --disable opennms-repo-stable-*

Step 2: Initialize and set up PostgreSQL

Initialization of the PostgreSQL database
postgresql-setup --initdb --unit postgresql
System startup configuration for PostgreSQL
systemctl enable postgresql
Startup PostgreSQL database
systemctl start postgresql
Create an opennms database user with a password and create an opennms database which is owned by the user opennms
su - postgres
createuser -P opennms
createdb -O opennms opennms
Set a password for Postgres super user
The super user is required to be able to initialize and change the database schema for installation and updates.
Change the access policy for PostgreSQL
vi /var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf
Allow OpenNMS Meridian accessing the database over the local network with a MD5 hashed password
host    all             all               md5(1)
host    all             all             ::1/128                 md5(1)
1 Change method from ident to md5 for IPv4 and IPv6 on localhost.
Apply configuration changes for PostgreSQL
systemctl reload postgresql
Configure database access in OpenNMS Meridian
vi ${OPENNMS_HOME}/etc/opennms-datasources.xml
Set credentials to access the PostgreSQL database
<jdbc-data-source name="opennms"
                    user-name="** YOUR-OPENNMS-USERNAME **"(2)
                    password="** YOUR-OPENNMS-PASSWORD **" />(3)

<jdbc-data-source name="opennms-admin"
                    password="** YOUR-POSTGRES-PASSWORD **" />(5)
1 Set the database name OpenNMS Meridian should use
2 Set the user name to access the opennms database table
3 Set the password to access the opennms database table
4 Set the postgres user for administrative access to PostgreSQL
5 Set the password for administrative access to PostgreSQL

Step 3: Initialize and start OpenNMS Meridian

Detect of Java environment and persist in /opt/opennms/etc/java.conf
${OPENNMS_HOME}/bin/runjava -s
Initialize the database and detect system libraries persisted in /opt/opennms/etc/libraries.properties
${OPENNMS_HOME}/bin/install -dis
Configure systemd to start OpenNMS Meridian on system boot
systemctl enable opennms
Start OpenNMS Meridian
systemctl start opennms
Allow connection to the Web UI from your network
firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=8980/tcp
systemctl reload firewalld
If you want to receive SNMP Traps or Syslog messages you have to allow incoming traffic on your host firewall as well. By default OpenNMS SNMP trap daemon is listening on 162/udp and Syslog daemon is listening on 10514/udp. The SNMP Trap daemon is enabled by default, the OpenNMS Syslog daemon is disabled.

Step 4: First Login and change default password

After starting OpenNMS the web application can be accessed on http://<ip-or-fqdn-of-your-server>:8980/opennms. The default login user is admin and the password is initialized to admin.

  1. Open in your browser http://<ip-or-fqdn-of-your-server>:8980/opennms

  2. Login with with admin/admin

  3. Click in main navigation menu on "admin → Change Password → Change Password"

  4. Set as current password admin and set a new password and confirm your newly set password

  5. Click "Submit"

  6. Logout and login with your new password

Next Steps

Additional information can be found in these follow up documents:

  • Getting Started Guide

    Learn the first steps to setup, configure, and maintain an OpenNMS Meridian.

  • Reference Guide

    Find in-depth information on the detecters, monitors, collectors, and configuration files used by the OpenNMS Meridian platform.

Installing and Configuring a Minion

A Minion is an instance of the Karaf OSGi service that enables OpenNMS to monitor devices and services in locations that an OpenNMS instance cannot reach. Minions communicate with these remote devices while OpenNMS performs coordination and task delegation.

Minions can operate behind a firewall and/or network address translation (NAT) as long as they can communicate with OpenNMS via ActiveMQ, Apache Kafka, or gRPC.

This chapter describes how to install a Minion and configure an authenticated unencrypted communication between Minion and OpenNMS Meridian using ActiveMQ and REST.


  • Identical version numbers for OpenNMS Meridian instance and Minion package

  • OpenNMS Meridian installed and communication to the REST (8980/tcp) and ActiveMQ (616161/tcp) endpoints is possible

For communication between OpenNMS Meridian and Kafka, see Setup using Apache Kafka. For gRPC, see Minion with gRPC strategy.

Packages are available as RPMs for RHEL-based systems alongside OpenNMS in the yum repository

If the instruction refers to ${MINION_HOME}, the path for Minion resolves to the following directory, depending on the operating system:

Table 4. Directory Structure



Set Up OpenNMS Meridian to allow Minion communication

Communication between a Minion and OpenNMS Meridian uses the REST API and a messaging system, by default ActiveMQ. Before installing a Minion, you need to create an authenticated user with the ROLE_MINION security role for these communication channels.

For information on setting up communication between OpenNMS Meridian and Kafka, see Setup using Apache Kafka. For gRPC, see Minion with gRPC strategy.

This guide uses the user name minion with password minion as an example. Change your credentials accordingly.
Create a minion user in the OpenNMS Meridian web UI:
  1. Log in to the web UI as an administrative user.

  2. Click on the gears icon and choose Configure Users, Groups and On-Call Roles → Configure Users.

  3. Add a new user with login name minion and password minion and click OK.

  4. In the Security Roles area, assign the ROLE_MINION security role.

    1. Optional: fill in a comment for the Minion user’s location and purpose.

  5. Click Finish.

The minion user should now be listed in the user List.

Configure ActiveMQ to allow communication on public network interface:
vi ${OPENNMS_HOME}/etc/opennms-activemq.xml
Remove comments for the transport connector listening on and save
<transportConnector name="openwire" uri="tcp://;maximumConnections=1000&amp;wireformat.maxFrameSize=104857600"/>
Restart OpenNMS Meridian
systemctl restart opennms
Verify that port 61616/tcp is listening on all interfaces
ss -lnpt sport = :61616
State   Recv-Q  Send-Q  Local Address:Port  Peer  Address:Port
LISTEN  0       128     *:61616             *:*   users:(("java",pid=1,fd=706))

Installing on RHEL

Use the following commands to install the Minion package, start the Minion, test access to the Karaf shell, configure Minion to communicate with OpenNMS Meridian, and verify connectivity.

You must run all commands on the command line interface with root permissions.

Make sure you have set up OpenNMS Meridian to allow communication with the Minion before completing the steps in this section.

For miscellaneous installation information including Minion directory structure, startup configuration, and an alternate way to configure credentials, see Information about Minion Packages and Configuration.

Commands and instructions are specific to RHEL 8. We provide RHEL 7 alternatives where applicable.

Step 1: Install the repository and Minion package

Connect with SSH to your remote RHEL system where you want to install a Minion.

Install the Yum repository
dnf -y install https://yum.opennms.org/repofiles/opennms-repo-stable-rhel8.noarch.rpm
rpm --import https://yum.opennms.org/OPENNMS-GPG-KEY
yum -y install https://yum.opennms.org/repofiles/opennms-repo-stable-rhel7.noarch.rpm
rpm --import https://yum.opennms.org/OPENNMS-GPG-KEY
Install the Minion package
dnf -y install opennms-minion
yum -y install opennms-minion

Step 2: Start the Minion and test access to Karaf Shell

Configure systemd to start Minion on system boot
systemctl enable minion
Start up Minion
systemctl start minion
Test access to Karaf shell with user admin and password admin and configure the Minion
ssh -p 8201 admin@localhost

config:edit org.opennms.minion.controller
config:property-set location #Office-Pittsboro
config:property-set http-url #http://opennms-fqdn:8980/opennms
config:property-set broker-url failover:#tcp://opennms-fqdn:61616
Include the failover: portion of the broker URL to allow the Minion to re-establish connectivity on failure. For a reference on the different URL formats, see ActiveMQ URI Protocols.
Configure the credentials to use when communicating with OpenNMS Meridian and exit Karaf shell
opennms:scv-set opennms.http #minion user name minion password
opennms:scv-set opennms.broker #minion username minion password
Another way to configure credentials is to use the scvcli utility in your Minion bin directory (see Alternate way to configure credentials).
Restart the Minion after updating the credentials
systemctl restart minion
The credentials are configured separately since they are encrypted on disk.

Step 3: Verify Connectivity

Connect to Karaf Shell of the Minion and verify connectivity
ssh -p 8201 admin@localhost

You should see the following message:

Connecting to OpenNMS ReST API   [ Success  ]
Verifying installed bundles      [ Success  ]
Connecting to JMS Broker         [ Success  ]
=> Everything is awesome


This section describes how to install the Sentinel to scale individual components of OpenNMS Meridian.

At the moment only flows can be distributed using Sentinel. In the future more components will follow.

Before you begin

Setting up a OpenNMS Meridian with Sentinel requires:

  • Instance of OpenNMS Meridian needs to be exact same version as Sentinel packages

  • Packages are available as RPMs for RHEL-based systems alongside OpenNMS in the yum repository

  • OpenNMS Meridian needs to be installed and communication to the REST (8980/tcp) and ActiveMQ (616161/tcp) endpoints is possible

  • At least one Minion needs to be installed and successful communicate with the OpenNMS Meridian

Depending on the installed operating system, the path for Sentinel is different. If the instruction refers to ${SENTINEL_HOME}, the path is resolved to the following directories:

Table 5. Directory Structure





Installing on RHEL

Commands and instructions are specific to RHEL 8. We provide RHEL 7 alternatives where applicable.
  1. Setup OpenNMS Meridian to allow Sentinel communication

  2. Installation of the meridian-sentinel meta package which handles all dependencies

  3. Starting Sentinel and access the Karaf console over SSH

  4. Configure Sentinel to communicate with OpenNMS Meridian

  5. Verify the connectivity between Sentinel and OpenNMS Meridian

All commands on the command line interface need to be executed with root permissions.

Step 1: Setup OpenNMS Meridian to allow Sentinel communication

This step is exactly the same as for Minion. Even the role name ROLE_MINION can be used, as there does not exist a dedicated role ROLE_SENTINEL yet.

Therefore, please refer to section Setup OpenNMS Meridian to allow Minion communication.

Even if we have to configure the communication to the OpenNMS Meridian exactly the same as for Minion no ReST requests are made and may be removed at a later state.

Step 2: Install the repository and Sentinel package

Connect with SSH to your remote RHEL system where the Sentinel should be installed.

Install the Yum repository
dnf install -y https://yum.opennms.org/repofiles/opennms-repo-stable-rhel8.noarch.rpm
rpm --import https://yum.opennms.org/OPENNMS-GPG-KEY
yum install -y https://yum.opennms.org/repofiles/opennms-repo-stable-rhel7.noarch.rpm
rpm --import https://yum.opennms.org/OPENNMS-GPG-KEY
Install the Sentinel package
dnf -y install meridian-sentinel
yum -y install opennms-sentinel

With the successful installed packages the Sentinel is installed in the following directory structure:

[root@localhost /opt/sentinel]# $ tree -L 1
|-- bin
|-- data
|-- deploy
|-- etc
|-- lib
`-- system

The Sentinel’s startup configuration can be changed by editing the /etc/sysconfig/sentinel file. It allows to override the defaults used at startup including:

  • Location of the JDK

  • Memory usage

  • User to run as

Step 3: Starting the Sentinel and test access to Karaf Shell

Configure systemd to start Sentinel on system boot
systemctl enable sentinel
Startup Sentinel
systemctl start sentinel
Test access to Karaf shell with user admin and password admin and exit with <ctrl-d>
ssh -p 8301 admin@localhost

Step 4: Configure Sentinel to communicate with OpenNMS Meridian

Login to the Karaf Shell on the system where your Sentinel is installed with SSH
ssh -p 8301 admin@localhost
Configure the Sentinel’s location and endpoint URLs for communication with OpenNMS Meridian
[root@localhost /root]# $ ssh -p 8201 admin@localhost
admin@sentinel()> config:edit org.opennms.sentinel.controller
admin@sentinel()> config:property-set location Office-Pittsboro
admin@sentinel()> config:property-set http-url http://opennms-fqdn:8980/opennms
admin@sentinel()> config:property-set broker-url failover:tcp://opennms-fqdn:61616
admin@sentinel()> config:update
Include the failover: portion of the broker URL to allow the Sentinel to re-establish connectivity on failure. For a reference on the different URL formats, see ActiveMQ URI Protocols.
Even if the id, location and http-url must be set the same ways as for Minion, this may change in future versions of Sentinel.
Configure the credentials to use when communicating with OpenNMS Meridian
admin@sentinel()> opennms:scv-set opennms.http minion minion
admin@sentinel()> opennms:scv-set opennms.broker minion minion

Username and password is explicitly set to minion as it is assumed that they share the same credentials and roles.

Another way to configure credentials is to use the scvcli utility in your Sentinel bin directory.
Example of configuring credentials with the command line utility scvcli
[root@localhost /root]# $ cd /opt/sentinel
[root@localhost /opt/sentinel]# $ ./bin/scvcli set opennms.http minion minion
[root@localhost /opt/sentinel]# $ ./bin/scvcli set opennms.broker minion minion
Restart the Sentinel after updating the credentials
[root@localhost /root]# $ systemctl restart sentinel
The credentials are configured separately since they are encrypted on disk.

Step 5: Verifying Connectivity

Connect to Karaf Shell of the Sentinel
ssh -p 8301 admin@localhost
Verify connectivity with the OpenNMS Meridian
admin@sentinel()> feature:install sentinel-core
admin@sentinel> opennms:health-check
Verifying the health of the container

Verifying installed bundles      [ Success  ]
Connecting to OpenNMS ReST API   [ Success  ]

=> Everything is awesome
The opennms:health-check command is a newer and more flexibel version of the original minion:ping command. Therefore on Sentinel there is no equivalent such as sentinel:ping.

3. Minion with custom messaging system

Minions and OpenNMS Meridian communicate via a messaging system. By default, an embedded ActiveMQ broker is used. OpenNMS Meridian is designed to work with different messaging systems and based on the system requirements or workload, an alternative to ActiveMQ can be used. In general, the communication between OpenNMS Meridian and Minion is provided by two patterns:

  • Remote Producer Calls (RPCs) are used to issue specific tasks (such as a request to poll or perform data collection) from an OpenNMS Meridian instance to a Minion in a remote location.

    • These calls are normally self-contained and include all of the meta-data and information required for them to be performed.

  • The Sink pattern is used to send unsolicited messages (i.e. Syslog, SNMP Traps or Flows) received from a Minion to an OpenNMS Meridian instance

High level components used for communication between OpenNMS Meridian and Minions

minion communication

This section describes how you can setup OpenNMS Meridian to use other supported messaging systems for the communication with Minions.

3.1. Setup using Apache Kafka

This section describes how to use Apache Kafka as a messaging system between OpenNMS Meridian and Minions in a remote location.

3.1.1. Objectives

  • Configure OpenNMS Meridian to forward RPC to a Minion

  • Configure Minion to forward messages over the Sink component to an OpenNMS Meridian instance

  • Disable the embedded Active MQ message broker on the Minion.

  • Verify the functionality on the Minion using the opennms:health-check command and ensure the Minion is registered and monitored in the OpenNMS Meridian web interface

3.1.2. Before you begin

The following requirements should be satisfied before you can start with this tutorial:

  • At least a minimal Kafka system up and running If you want to start in a lab, the Apache Kafka Quickstart guide is a good starting point

  • An instance running with OpenNMS Meridian and at least one deployed Minion

  • Communication between OpenNMS Meridian, Minion and Apache Kafka is possible on TCP port 9092

Network topology used for the following configuration example

setup minion kafka

The example is used to describe how the components need to be configured. IP addresses and hostnames need to be adjusted accordingly.
You can add more than one Kafka server to the configuration. The driver will attempt to connect to the first entry. If that is successful the whole broker topology will be discovered and will be known by the client. The other entries are only used if the connection to the first entry fails.

3.1.3. Configure OpenNMS Meridian

Step 1: Set Kafka as RPC strategy and add Kafka server
cat <<EOF >${OPENNMS_HOME}/etc/opennms.properties.d/kafka.properties
Step 2: Set Kafka as Sink strategy and add Kafka server
cat <<EOF >>${OPENNMS_HOME}/etc/opennms.properties.d/kafka.properties
# Ensure that messages are not consumed from Kafka until the system has fully initialized
Step 3: Restart OpenNMS Meridian
systemctl restart opennms

3.1.4. Configure Minion

Step 1: Disable ActiveMQ for RPC and Sink
Disable ActiveMQ on Minion startup
cat <<EOF >${MINION_HOME}/etc/featuresBoot.d/disable-activemq.boot
Step 2: Enable Kafka for RPC and Sink
cat <<EOF >${MINION_HOME}/etc/featuresBoot.d/kafka.boot
Step 3: Configure Kafka server
Add Kafka server for RPC communication
cat <<EOF >${MINION_HOME}/etc/org.opennms.core.ipc.rpc.kafka.cfg
Add Kafka server for Sink communication
cat <<EOF >${MINION_HOME}/etc/org.opennms.core.ipc.sink.kafka.cfg
Step 4: Restart Minion to apply changes
systemctl restart minion
Step 5: Verify Kafka configuration and connectivity
Login to Karaf Shell
ssh admin@localhost -p 8201
Test if Kafka RPC and Sink feature is started
feature:list | grep opennms-core-ipc-rpc-kafka
opennms-core-ipc-rpc-kafka  | 25.0.0           | x        | Started

feature:list | grep opennms-core-ipc-sink-kafka
opennms-core-ipc-sink-kafka | 25.0.0           | x        | Started
Test connectivity to Kafka
Verifying the health of the container

Connecting to OpenNMS ReST API   [ Success  ]
Verifying installed bundles      [ Success  ]
Connecting to Kafka from RPC     [ Success  ]
Connecting to Kafka from Sink    [ Success  ]

=> Everything is awesome
Step 6. Verify Minion functionality
Ensure the Minion is registered in the OpenNMS Meridian web interface
  1. Login as Administrator

  2. Configure OpenNMS

  3. Manage Minions

  4. Minion should be registered and should be shown as "Up"

  5. Click on the name of the Minion and go to the node detail page

  6. Verify if the services on the loopback interface JMX-Minion, Minion-Heartbeat, Minion-RPC are monitored and "Up"

3.1.5. Tuning Apache Kafka

The configuration is shipped with sane defaults, but depending on the size and network topology it can be required to tune the Apache Kafka environment to meet certain needs. Apache Kafka options can be set directly in the org.opennms.core.ipc.rpc.kafka.cfg and org.opennms.core.ipc.sink.kafka.cfg file.

Alternatively: Kafka producer/consumer options can be set by defining additional system properties prefixed with org.opennms.core.ipc.rpc.kafka and org.opennms.core.ipc.sink.kafka.

You can find available configuration parameters for Kafka here:

Multiple OpenNMS Meridian instances

Topics will be automatically created and are prefixed by default with OpenNMS. If you want to use an Apache Kafka cluster with multiple OpenNMS Meridian instances, the topic prefix can be customized by setting org.opennms.core.ipc.rpc.kafka.group.id and org.opennms.core.ipc.sink.kafka.group.id to a string value which identifies your instance.

Tips for Kafka
For Kafka RPC, the number of partitions should always be greater than the number of minions at a location. When there are multiple locations, partitions >= max number of minions at a location.
By default, Kafka RPC supports buffers greater than >1MB by splitting large buffer into chunks of 900KB(912600). Max buffer size (900KB, by default) can be configured by setting org.opennms.core.ipc.rpc.kafka.max.buffer.size ( in bytes).
Default time to live (time at which request will expire) is 20000 msec (20sec). It can be changed by configuring system property org.opennms.core.ipc.rpc.kafka.ttl in msec.

3.1.6. Using Single Topic for Kafka RPC

By default OpenNMS creates a request and response topic for each module at every location. When dealing with too many locations, these numerous topics can overbuden Kafka. A single topic structure creates one request topic for each location and one response topic for all modules, regardless of location. Note that all Minions at any location must be running the same features in order to make use of single topic.

Single topic must be configured on both Minion and OpenNMS.

Configure single topic on Minion
echo 'single-topic=true' >> "$MINION_HOME/etc/org.opennms.core.ipc.rpc.kafka.cfg"

On OpenNMS, enable single topic by setting the org.opennms.core.ipc.rpc.kafka.single-topic system property to true.

3.2. Minion with gRPC Strategy

Minions and OpenNMS Meridian can communicate via gRPC for both RPC and Sink patterns. While using GRPC strategy Minion runs a gRPC client that connects to OpenNMS Meridian gRPC server on a custom port.

RPC pattern on GRPC strategy uses bidirectional streaming to send requests from OpenNMS Meridian and get responses back from Minion. Sink pattern on GRPC strategy uses unidirectional streaming to send sink messages from Minion to OpenNMS Meridian.

This section describes how you can set up OpenNMS Meridian to use gRPC for communication with Minions.

3.2.1. Configure OpenNMS Meridian

Step 1: Set GRPC as IPC strategy.
cat <<EOF >${OPENNMS_HOME}/etc/opennms.properties.d/grpc.properties
Step 2: Add GRPC Server feature.
cat <<EOF >${OPENNMS_HOME}/etc/featuresBoot.d/grpc.boot
Step 3: Enable and configure TLS on gRPC server.
Enable TLS and configure TLS certificates and private keys.
cat <<EOF >${OPENNMS_HOME}/etc/org.opennms.core.ipc.grpc.server.cfg
Step 4: Configure max. message size if default of 10MB is not sufficient.

(needs to be configured on both server and client)

Configure max. message size
cat <<EOF >${OPENNMS_HOME}/etc/org.opennms.core.ipc.grpc.server.cfg
Step 5: Restart OpenNMS Meridian.
systemctl restart opennms

3.2.2. Configure Minion

Step 1: Disable ActiveMQ for RPC and Sink.
Disable ActiveMQ on Minion startup
cat <<EOF >${MINION_HOME}/etc/featuresBoot.d/disable-activemq.boot
Step 2: Enable GRPC for RPC and Sink.
cat <<EOF >${MINION_HOME}/etc/featuresBoot.d/grpc.boot
Step 3: Configure gRPC server information.
Add gRPC server for RPC/Sink communication.
cat <<EOF >${MINION_HOME}/etc/org.opennms.core.ipc.grpc.client.cfg
Step 4: Enable and configure TLS on gRPC client.
Enable TLS and configure TLS certificates and private keys.
cat <<EOF >${MINION_HOME}/etc/org.opennms.core.ipc.grpc.client.cfg
Step 5: Configure max. message size if default of 10MB is not sufficient.

(needs to be configured on both server and client)

Configure max. message size
cat <<EOF >${MINION_HOME}/etc/org.opennms.core.ipc.grpc.client.cfg
Step 6: Restart Minion to apply changes.
systemctl restart minion
Step 7: Verify GRPC configuration and connectivity.
Login to Karaf shell
ssh admin@localhost -p 8201
Test if gRPC client can connect to OpenNMS Meridian gRPC server
feature:list | grep opennms-core-ipc-grpc-client
opennms-core-ipc-grpc-client                │ 2020.1.24  │ x        │ Started
Test connectivity to Kafka
Verifying the health of the container

Connecting to OpenNMS ReST API   [ Success  ]
Verifying installed bundles      [ Success  ]
Connecting to gRPC IPC Server    [ Success  ]

=> Everything is awesome
Step 8. Verify Minion functionality.
Ensure the Minion is registered in the OpenNMS Meridian web interface
  1. Login as Administrator

  2. Configure OpenNMS

  3. Manage Minions

  4. Minion should be registered and should be shown as "Up"

  5. Click on the name of the Minion and go to the node detail page

  6. Verify if the services on the loopback interface JMX-Minion, Minion-Heartbeat, Minion-RPC are monitored and "Up"

4. Install other versions than stable

Installation packages are available for different releases of OpenNMS Meridian or Minion. You will need to choose which release you would like to run and then configure your package repository to point to that release. Configuring a package repository will enable you to install and update the software by using standard Linux software update tools like yum and apt.

The following package repositories are available:

Table 6. OpenNMS package repositories
Release Description


Latest stable release. This version is recommended for all users.


Release candidate for the next stable release.


Latest successful development build, the "nightly" build.

To install a different release the repository files have to be installed and manually modified.

On RHEL systems you can install a snapshot repository with:

yum -y install https://yum.opennms.org/repofiles/opennms-repo-snapshot-rhel7.noarch.rpm
For branches use repofiles/opennms-repo-branches-${branch-name}-rhel7.noarch.rpm.

The installation procedure is the same as with the stable version.

5. Setup Minion with a config file

Beside manually configuring a Minion instance via the Karaf CLI it is possibleto modify and deploy its configuration file through configuration management tools. The configuration file is located in ${MINION_HOME}/etc/org.opennms.minion.controller.cfg. All configurations set in Karaf CLI will be persisted in this configuration file which can also be populated through configuration management tools.

Configuration file for Minion
id = 00000000-0000-0000-0000-deadbeef0001
location = MINION
broker-url = tcp://myopennms.example.org:61616
http-url = http://myopennms.example.org:8980/opennms

The Minion needs to be restarted when this configuration file is changed.

In case the credentials needs to be set through the CLI with configuration management tools or scripts, the ${MINION_HOME}/bin/client command can be used which allows to execute Karaf commands through the Linux shell.

6. Running in non-root environments

This section provides information running OpenNMS Meridian and Minions processes in non-root environments. Running with a system user have restricted possibilites. This section describes how to configure your Linux system related to:

  • sending ICMP packages as an unprivileged user

  • receiving Syslog on ports < 1023, e.g. 514/udp

  • receiving SNMP Trap on ports < 1023,e.g. 162/udp

6.1. Send ICMP as non-root

By default, Linux does not allow regular users to perform ping operations from arbitrary programs (including Java). To enable the Minion or OpenNMS Meridian to ping properly, you must set a sysctl option.

Enable User Ping (Running System)d
# run this command as root to allow ping by any user (does not survive reboots)
sysctl net.ipv4.ping_group_range='0 429496729'

If you wish to restrict the range further, use the GID for the user the Minion or OpenNMS Meridian will run as, rather than 429496729.

To enable this permanently, create a file in /etc/sysctl.d/ to set the range:

# we start this filename with "99-zzz-" to make sure it's last, after anything else that might have set it
net.ipv4.ping_group_range=0 429496729

6.2. Trap reception as non-root

If you wish your Minion or OpenNMS Meridian to listen to SNMP Traps, you will need to configure your firewall to port forward from the privileged trap port (162) to the Minion’s default trap listener on port 1162.

Forward 162 to 1162 with Firewalld
# enable masquerade to allow port-forwards
firewall-cmd --add-masquerade
# forward port 162 TCP and UDP to port 1162 on localhost
firewall-cmd --add-forward-port=port=162:proto=udp:toport=1162:toaddr=
firewall-cmd --add-forward-port=port=162:proto=tcp:toport=1162:toaddr=

6.3. Syslog reception as non-root

If you wish your Minion or OpenNMS Meridian to listen to syslog messages, you will need to configure your firewall to port forward from the privileged Syslog port (514) to the Minion’s default syslog listener on port 1514.

Forward 514 to 1514 with Firewalld
# enable masquerade to allow port-forwards
firewall-cmd --add-masquerade
# forward port 514 TCP and UDP to port 1514 on localhost
firewall-cmd --add-forward-port=port=514:proto=udp:toport=1514:toaddr=
firewall-cmd --add-forward-port=port=514:proto=tcp:toport=1514:toaddr=

7. Use R for statistical computing

R is a free software environment for statistical computing and graphics. OpenNMS Meridian can leverage the power of R for forecasting and advanced calculations on collected time series data.

OpenNMS Meridian interfaces with R via stdin and stdout, and for this reason, R must be installed on the same host as OpenNMS Meridian. Note that installing R is optional, and not required by any of the core components.

The R integration is not supported on Microsoft Windows systems.

7.1. Install R on RHEL

Commands and instructions are specific to RHEL 8. For RHEL 7, replace dnf with yum.
Ensure the dnf (yum on RHEL 7) plugin config-manager is installed
dnf -y install dnf-plugins-core
Enable the PowerTools repository for R dependencies
dnf config-manager --set-enabled PowerTools
Install the epel-release repository with R packages
dnf -y install epel-release
Install R-core package
dnf -y install R-core

7.2. Install R on Debian

Install R
apt -y install r-recommended

8. Using a different Time Series Storage

OpenNMS Meridian stores performance data in a time series storage which is by default JRobin. For different scenarios it is useful to switch to a different time series storage. The following implementations are supported:

Table 7. Supported Time Series Databasees


JRobin is a clone of RRDTool written in Java, it does not fully cover the latest feature set of RRDTool and is the default when you install OpenNMS Meridian. Data is stored on the local file system of the OpenNMS Meridian node. Depending on I/O capabilities it works good for small to medium sized installations.


RRDTool is active maintained and the de-facto standard dealing with time series data. Data is stored on the local file system of the OpenNMS Meridian node. Depending on I/O capabilities it works good for small to medium sized installations.


Newts is a database schema for Cassandra. The time series is stored on a dedicated Cassandra cluster which gives growth flexibility and allows to persist time series data in a large scale.

This section describes how to configure OpenNMS Meridian to use RRDTool and Newts.

The way how data is stored in the different time series databases makes it extremely hard to migrate from one technology to another. Data loss can’t be prevented when you switch from one to another.

8.1. RRDtool

In most Open Source applications, RRDtool is often used and is the de-facto open standard for Time Series Data. The basic installation of OpenNMS Meridian comes with JRobin but it is simple to switch the system to use RRDtool to persist Time Series Data. This section describes how to install RRDtool, the jrrd2 OpenNMS Java Interface and how to configure OpenNMS Meridian to use it.

8.1.1. Install RRDTool on RHEL

Following this guide does not cover data migration from JRobin to RRDTool.
To install jrrd2 enable the OpenNMS YUM repository ensure the repositories are enabled. You can enable them with dnf config-manager --enable opennms-repo-stable-*.

Step 1: Install RRDTool and the jrrd2 interface

Installation on RHEL
dnf -y install rrdtool jrrd2

Step 2: Configure OpenNMS Meridian to use RRDTool

cat << EOF | sudo tee /opt/opennms/etc/opennms.properties.d/timeseries.properties
org.opennms.web.graphs.engine=rrdtool # optional, unset if you want to keep Backshift as default
The visualization with the graph engine is optional. You can still use the default graphing engine backshift by not setting the org.opennms.web.graphs.engine property and use the system default.

Step 3: Restart OpenNMS Meridian and verify setup

find /opt/opennms/share/rrd -iname "*.rrd"

With the first data collection, RRDTool files with extension .rrd will be created. The JRobin files with extension .jrb are not used anymore and are not deleted automatically.

8.1.2. Reference

The following configuration files have references to the RRDTool binary and may be changed if you have a customized RRDTool setup.

Table 8. References to the RRDtool binary
Configuration file Property










command=/usr/bin/rrdtool info

8.2. Newts for Time Series data

Newts is a time-series data schema for Apache Cassandra. It enables horizontally scale capabilities for your time series storage and is an alternative to JRobin and RRDtool.

The Cassandra cluster design, setup, sizing, tuning and operation is out of scope for this section. To install and set up a Cassandra cluster please follow the Cassandra installation instructions. For further information see Cassandra Getting Started Guide.

To avoid unwanted updates disable the Cassandra repository on DNF/YUM based distributions or use apt-mark hold cassandra on APT based distributions.
For simplicity we use the ${OPENNMS_HOME}/bin/newts init command which initializes a Newts keyspace for you and the defaults are not optimal tuned for a production-ready environment. If you want to build a production environment please consult Sizing Cassandra for Newts and planning Anti-patterns in Cassandra articles.

8.2.1. Objectives

  • Configure OpenNMS Meridian to use an existing Cassandra cluster

  • Initializing the Newts keyspace using newts init with STCS without production-ready tuning

  • Verify time series data is stored and can be accessed

8.2.2. Before you begin

  • A running instance of OpenNMS Meridian running on Linux

  • Working data collection and response time metrics from Collectd and Pollerd

  • Cassandra cluster with access to the Cassandra client port TCP/9042

It is currently not supported to initialize the Newts keyspace from Microsoft Windows Server operating system. Microsoft Windows based Cassandra server can be part of the cluster, but keyspace initialization is only possible using a Linux operating system.

8.2.3. Configure OpenNMS Meridian to use Newts

Step 1: Configure Cassandra endpoints, keyspace and time series strategy
cat << EOF | sudo tee /opt/opennms/etc/opennms.properties.d/timeseries.properties
# Configure storage strategy

# Configure Newts time series storage connection

# One year in seconds

# Seven days in seconds
1 Associate time series data by the foreign ID instead of the database generated Node-ID
2 Set time-series strategy to use newts
3 Host or IP addresses of the Cassandra cluster nodes can be a comma-separated list
4 Name of the keyspace which is initialized and used
5 Port to connect to Cassandra
Step 2: Initialize the Newts schema in Cassandra
${OPENNMS_HOME}/bin/newts init
Step 3: Verify if the keyspace was properly initialized

Connect to a Cassandra node with a CQL shell


use newts;
describe table terms;
describe table samples;
Step 4: Apply changes and verify your configuration
systemctl restart opennms

Go to the Node detail page from a SNMP managed device and verify if you response time graphs for ICMP and Node-level Performance data.